Pharm-Rx Artemisinin

Pharm-Rx Artemisinin, a potent pharmaceutically active ingredient, is renowned for its antibiotic properties. Presented in a convenient powdered form, this product is meticulously crafted to cater to both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. With its well-defined attributes, Pharm-Rx Artemisinin stands as a reliable choice, especially for its antibiotic functionality.

Chemical Name: Artemisinin

CAS Number: 63968-64-9

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    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality


    Physical Form
    White to slightly yellow crystalline powder
    Microbiological Values
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Total Plate Countmax. 1000CFU/g-
    Yeasts & Molds Countmax. 100CFU/g-
    Coliformsmax. 10CFU/g-
    Escherichia coliNegative--
    Staphylococeus aureusNegative--
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Melting Range150 - 153°C-
    Specific Optical Rotation+75 to +78Degree-
    Loss on Dryingmax. 0.5%-
    Residue on Ignitionmax. 0.1%-
    Assay97 - 102%-
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Impurities ( Artemisitene)max. 0.5%HPLC
    Unspecified Impuritiesmax. 0.5%HPLC
    Total Unspecified Impuritiesmax. 1%HPLC
    Heavy Metals
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Lead Contentmax. 3ppm-
    Mercury Contentmax. 0.1ppm-
    Cadmium Contentmax. 1ppm-

    Regulatory & Compliance

    FDA Disclaimer

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.