Bordas Flavanoid Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex

1 of 20 products in this brand
Bordas Flavanoid Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex is a natural plant-derived polyphenol with potent antioxidant properties, providing numerous benefits in a wide range of applications. It serves as a natural preservative for food products, is essential for nutraceutical and supplement formulations.

Ingredient Name: Citrus Bioflavonoid

Animal Species: Fish

Active Component: Bioflavonoid

Soluble In: Ethanol Soluble, Monopropylene Glycol Soluble, Sodium Hydroxide Soluble

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    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Benefit Claims (Health)
    Labeling Claims
    Agrochemicals Features
    Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
    Food Ingredients Features
    Product Highlights
    • Antioxidant defense mechanism
    • Suppression of proinflammatory processes
    • Antimicrobial activity
    • Biostimulant and energizer
    • Flavoring agent.

    Applications & Uses

    Animal Species
    Food & Nutrition Applications
    Product Applications
    • Bitter agent and natural preservative for food stuffs
    • Nutraceutical and supplement formulation
    • Plant growth promotion.


    Physical Form
    Soluble In
    Yellowish brown powder
    Characteristic bitter orange taste
    Soluble in
    Monopropylene glycol, Ethyl alcohol (70%), NaOH (2,4,10%), ethanol 70 %, propylenglycol and in 2 %, 5 % and 10 % NaOH solution at room temperature and at 50 °C
    Typical Properties
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Bioflavonoids Contentmin. 45%-
    Physico-Chemical Properties
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Loss on Dryingmax. 5%-
    Ashmax. 7%-
    Heavy Metalsmax. 20ppm-

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Packaging Information

    The product is packed in 25 kg net drums with two well closed polyethylene bags inside.

    Storage & Handling

    Storage Conditions
    • Citrus Bioflavonoids Complex is a light brown powder, hygroscopic and stable. It is easy to handle and to add to products applying the appropriate measures needed in each case.
    • Citrus Bioflavonoids Complex has to be carefully stored at room temperature in a dark and dry place. The containers have to be hermetically closed due to the hygroscopic property of the product. Avoid direct sunlight and excessive heat.